#1 Flat Fee MLS Service in Arizona For Over 20 Years!
$399 Flat Listing Fee Includes:
1. Listing in the local Multiple Listing Service for SIX MONTHS with up to 25 photos (seller provides photos or see below for a photographer in your area)
2. Free, unlimited Changes to your MLS listing
3. Syndication to Zillow, Trulia, Reatlor.com, Redfin and more**
4. Cancel anytime at no additional charge and no hidden fees (once listing is activated, listing fee is non-refundable).
5. All state and federal disclosures provided
Assistance with offers available from the broker for 1/2% of sales price paid at closing (you can choose this later if desired)
Lock box and signage available for purchase as needed from the broker.
To submit a request to list your property in Arizona, CLICK HERE
Upon receipt of your order, you will receive an email with the MLS Listing forms and instructions to complete electronically from the AZ Broker. Please allow ONE Business day for your listing to be processed after all forms, photos and payment have been submitted.
What you need to know BEFORE you list
FSBO MLS services and the Flat Fee MLS listing process full explanation
FIND a PHOTOGRAPHER in your area to take photos of your property who know the MLS compliance rules
Stacie Whitfield, Founder
Email company@flatlist.com
Consumer Info. on Buying and Selling Real Estate in Arizona
**Your listing will appear on many real estate websites, however, we cannot guarantee which sites will display the listing and/or the accuracy of the information or lack thereof. We only have control over the MLS listing, and from there the listing syndicates to public sites.