FlatList.com Listing for a Flat Fee Since 1999!

Nevada Flat Listing Fee MLS Services
$399 for a Six Month For Sale MLS listing, Includes:
1. Six month MLS Listing in the local Multiple Listing Service with 25 photos (seller provides photos)
2. Free, unlimited Changes to your MLS listing using our change form
3. Syndication to Zillow, Trulia, Reatlor.com, Redfin and more*
4. Cancel anytime; NO hidden fees
5. All state and federal disclosures provided
6. Sign, lock box and other items available for purchase as needed
CLICK to ORDER a Nevada MLS Listing

Upon placing your order, you will receive an email from our Id Broker, Jared Andrew English (Nevada License No 52423) which will include the MLS listing forms and instructions. All real estate brokerage services advertised are fulfilled by Jared Andrew English.   If you have questions, please email us at company@flatlist.com.
CLICK HERE for more information on the Flat Fee MLS listing process
What you need to know BEFORE you list