FlatList.com Listing for a Flat Fee Since 1999!

For sale by Owner/Seller And Buyer resources

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CLICK here for Washington
CLICK here for Arizon

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How to Sell Your House For Sale By Owner

CLICK to READ the "Real Estate Brokerage In Washington" pamphlet

Information on Carbon Monoxide statutes for each state CLICK HERE

Seller to Install Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Effective January 1, 2013, all residential properties are required to be equipped with carbon monoxide alarms. In addition, RCW 19.27.530 requires the seller of any owner-occupied single-family residence to equip the residence with carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with the state building code before a buyer or any other person may legally occupy the residence following the sale. Additional information about carbon monoxide is available at the Washington State Department of Health's website.

Hot Water Tanks need Earthquake strapping:  Appraisers will require there are strapping on the tank. 

Sale Transaction Flowchart  Print FlowChart
This flowchart will assist you in choosing the transaction forms that will be needed for the sale of your property.  Please email me if you need any forms at company@flatlist.com and in the subject line, write "Purchase Forms Needed".

Offer Assistance Option $1200.00
For Flat List RE and List4FlatFee.com, LLC customers, we offer an option for assistance with offers for $1200 when the buyer is being represented by a broker.  You can choose this option on your listing forms if you decide to do so. 
Read more about my assistance with offers and what it entails

Offer Assistance when the Buyer DOES NOT have an agent
My program is designed to connect sellers directly with buyers.  However, if you need assistance working with a buyer with no broker representation, then I can facilitate the transaction. I charge 1% of the sales price. Contact me for additional details by emailing me your property address and your phone number, Email company@flatlist.com.  CLICK to READ the "Real Estate Brokerage In Washington" pamphlet about "Limited Dual Agent"

Mortgage Calculator: MORTGAGE CALCULATOR  Use this to calculate a payment for your next property

Septic Systems:   When selling a home, YOU CANNOT market your home as having more bedrooms than your septic capacity regardless of whether they exist or not. Read more about this important law that affects your ability to market more bedrooms.

Lead Based Paint Pamphlet & Disclosure  Print Pamphlet Download Disclosure

If your property was built PRIOR to 1978, you must disclose this to potential buyers and sign a Lead Based Paint Disclosure addendum, regardless if you sell FSBO or through an agency.

Seller's Property Disclosure Statement
Washington State sellers must complete and deliver to the buyer a Seller's Property Disclosure Statement for their property.  I automatically email you this form if you list with me, however, you can email me and I will send it to you in advance.  I just need to know if the property is improved or unimproved. Email me at company@flatlist.com 

CHANGES to your MLS Listing:  To make changes to your MLS listing, email company@flatlist.com for an electronic form to complete/sign.  All changes are made within one business day.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) Integrated Disclosure rule became effective October 3, 2015. The Integrated Disclosures rule—also known as the Know Before You Owe rule—consolidates four existing disclosures required under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) into two forms: the new Loan Estimate form, which integrates and replaces the existing RESPA Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and the initial TILA forms the new "Closing Disclosure" form, which integrates and replaces the existing RESPA HUD-1 and the final TILA forms new loan applications initiated on or after October 3, 2015, must utilize the new disclosures.The new disclosures apply to lenders for most loans secured by real property, with the addition of some loans that were previously covered under TILA but not RESPA. These additional loans include: construction-only

USDA Loans - What and how do they work?  Does your property qualify?
FHA loan limits and accepting an FHA on your property.  Make sure it qualifies.

Buyer Down Payment Resources 

Market Snapshot

Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure 
Buyer Advisory Guide
Surface Water Laws
Arizona Real Estate Lawbook

Hawaii Lead Based Paint Disclosure
Hawaii Consumer Resources
Hawaii Rules Relating to Horizontal Property Regimes

Oregon Property Buyer Advisory 
Oregon Lead Based Paint Disclosure Requirements

Washington Lead Based Paint Disclosure
Real Estate Brokerage in Washington