1. Full Listing in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for six months with 25 photos
2. Listing on Realtor.com with photo gallery
3. Listing on hundreds of real estate websites that display MLS listings
4. Free, unlimited changes to your MLS listing at anytime
5. A listing on this site with photo gallery, flyer creator, and your own property website link
6. All federal and local disclosures included
What you need to know BEFORE you list
BEFORE placing your order, please confirm that your property is located in the counties that are covered:
Baker, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Grant, Gilliam, Hood River, Lane, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Washington, Wasco, Wheeler, Yamhill
CLICK HERE TO Submit your MLS Listing Order
Upon placing your order, you will receive an email from our Oregon Broker, Jared Andrew English (Oregon licensed broker) which will include the MLS listing forms and instructions to electronically complete. All real estate brokerage services advertised are fulfilled by Jared Andrew English. If you have questions, please Email us at company@flatlist.com.
How the Flat Fee MLS Service Works
CLICK HERE for consumer info. on Buying and Selling real estate in Oregon
*Your listing will appear on many real estate websites, however, we cannot guarantee which sites will display the listing and/or the accuracy of the information or lack thereof. We only have control over the MLS listing, and from there the listing syndicates to public sites.